In the “Vedb” badge app (Verified badge) observe official page of popular people in the social networks.

With registration and joining the badge, popular people can register their official and approved page in social networks in the form of creating profiles and then after admin approval, the app will display their profile page.
Artists, athletes, officials and influential figures in Iran while receiving the badge approval introduce their official page in the social networks to prevent from abuse fake pages.
Verified badge is used to introduce official page of popular people on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram channel and confirmed Website by them.
Users by searching in the badge can find the profile of their favorite artist and with the help of profile page enter into to the official and approved page of the artist.
In the profile page by touching networks icons could access to the official page of the desired person.
Note: register and create a profile in the program is only allowed for popular people and Profile of other ordinary people will not be approved.
Using this application is very simple and just searching the name of your desired athlete, actor or singer.
All parts of Badge app are free completely and permanently.
Also, you can access to the celebrities pages on Wikipedia through badge apps; so that you can have more information about the desired person. Also, actor’s page is shown in imdb and the lists of films that the artist had participated.
One of the badge properties is displaying reader’s page in Soundcloud that you can freely listen to songs freely.